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#1 2012-10-02 09:14:20


Suggestion - improve HIIDE functionality

SqlDbx has a very nice feature to hide highlighted lines.
Unfortunatelly to hide lines you have to select it manually. there is no option to select the related lines in one click.

Lets say you have code like this


if a=0 then
  c:= 0;
  if b=0 then
end if;
end if;

There is no way to automatically highlight the code related to the inner IF
When you position a cursor in front of the inner IF it shows you the red line indicating the margins of this block, i.e. SqlDbx is capable to identify this block of code correctly.
However if you right click and pick "Select SQL Block" it selects only 2 lines, i.e. it looks forward for the first semicolon.
If you pick "Select text block" it selects everything beginning from b:=0 and ending with f:=0, i.e. it selects everything between blank lines

If code of your block is several pages long you have to scroll and highlight it manually

It would be nice to have an option to select all code related to the block in one click.
For example, to be able to highlight all between IF and END IF, or between BEGIN and END or highligt everything related to the long INSERT statement, etc.

And it would be even better to have the option to directly hide the block in one click without selecting it first

Oracle SQL Developer has all this functionality (as well as not changing the case of literals while changing case of code -- i opend a topic about it some time ago)

Too bad that it is not implemented in SqlDbx (YET ?)


#2 2012-10-02 22:36:31


Re: Suggestion - improve HIIDE functionality

You found a bug. Select block should select if - end if block.
If it was working correctly then you can do select block and then hide it.
I agree that feature to do it in one click would be useful


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