SqlDbx Forum


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#1 2013-01-29 13:46:43


Schema Name when copying table from Left Pane

Recently a change was made to include the SCHEMA name when copying the table from the left hand object pane (ie: CTL+C) on the table and pasting (CTL+V) into a script.

Whilst I can see this may be useful in same cases, I find it is actually more of a hindrance for the majority of cases when creating simple select statements. Can we please get this as an OPTION say in the editor, to be turned off and on as required.

Using DB2 10.1 LUW and 3.59 Pro version.


#2 2013-01-31 11:55:13


Re: Schema Name when copying table from Left Pane

That is the unintended behavior introduced in a latest version.
Will be fixed in a next release


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