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#1 2013-12-31 14:32:42

Senior Application Developer

Intellisense and Database Context suggestions

I'm just starting to evaluate SQLDBX; so fare I am very impressed with the speed of its IntelliSense. However, I've noticed a few minor issues and have a few suggestions:

IntelliSense seems to be limited to the current database. If I type SELECT * FROM ... a list of tables in the current database appear, but if I type SELECT * FROM OtherDatabase.. I saw nothing. After I turned on the option to display all databases, the names of those other databases appeared, but every time I wanted to reference a field in a table in that other database I had to fully qualify it each time.

So instead of
   SELECT * FROM OtherDatabase..OtherTable where OtherDatabase..OtherTable.Fieldname = 'x'
...I'd like
   SELECT * FROM OtherDatabase..OtherTable where Fieldname = 'x'

It'd be nice if your IntelliSense could figure that out. I know that'd probably be a very thorny issue, but it would be cool.

If I issue a USE statement -- USE OTHERDATABASE, for example -- IntelliSense still lists objects from the original database. If I use the dropdown, that changes database context correctly. It would be great if the dropdown would change to match when the user executes a USE statement.


So far, everything else seems AMAZING. The speed of the queries, the speed of the Intellisense, the lyaout, the look -- all VERY nice.


Last edited by barryseymour (2013-12-31 14:50:14)


#2 2014-01-03 17:58:43


Re: Intellisense and Database Context suggestions

1. Should be doable. Will need to take a look.
2. We do have couple ideas about this. Something like this might be implemented in one of the next releases.


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