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#1 2014-02-25 12:19:00


utf8 sql files do not displaying correctly.

I use greek characters in strings in sql functions and I  don't have a problem when the file is encoded in ansi, but, when the file is utf8 the Greek characters are all messed up.

There is an issue with my colleagues where they use different software which supports utf8 files.
They want me to switch too but I try to convince them that sqldbx is the best.

I use 3.64 Unicode version. Am I doing something wrong? Or sqldbx does not support utf8 files?
I use sqldbx for three years and I check regularly in any new version if this issue has been resolved.

Thank you in advance,
A loyal user.


#2 2014-02-25 20:36:37


Re: utf8 sql files do not displaying correctly.

Currently SqlDbx will not read or write UTF8 encoded files correctly. Supported formats ANSI and UNICODE.
This is the first time somebody reported this. Probably we should add support for UTF8 in one of the next releases.


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