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#1 2016-07-07 06:38:34


BUG: SQL History

As soon as a statement is run, it's stored in the "SQL History", but if the application is closed on other ways than using the "X" or "Close connection" the SQL history is not saved.

Example #1
1. Open a sql connection, run a query (SELECT 'test'  (FROM dual); )
2. Check that the statement found in SQL History
3. Close the connection / sqldbx application using "Close connection" or "X".
4. Restart the connection and check history
Result: The statement should be saved and visible in SQL History

Example #2
1. Open a sql connection, run a query (SELECT 'test'  (FROM dual); )
2. Check that the statement found in SQL History
3. Close the connection / sqldbx application using ex. task manager
4. Restart the connection and check history
Result: The statement is not saved in SQL History

Version: SqlDbx 4.14

Last edited by Tobias (2016-07-07 06:39:25)


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